27/04/2024, Newsroom | email: info@pronews.gr Biden government throws incredible 'wood' at students, professors, journalists at the university occupations Nancy Pelosi said Russia is behind the university occupations Unbelievable 'wood' from USA security forces falls on students, professors, journalists at the occupations in universities in almost all American States. Students are protesting what is happening in Gaza with thousands of civilian deaths from Israeli bombing. The behaviour of the Biden administration shows that it is 'democratic' in name only. The former president of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi said Russia is behind the university occupations "Let them pray" is terrifying in America in the year 2024. USA is the land of freedom, right? What is next? CPD attempting to arrest Ohio State University students while praying. #OhioState #StudentLife #FreePalestine #freedomforall #USA Ohio police have placed SNIPERS over a pro-Palestine student protest. Economics Professor at a peaceful US student protest against the Gaza genocide gets a taste of how Palestinians are treated in Israel.