18/04/2024, Newsroom | email: info@pronews.gr https://www-pronews-gr.translate.goog/ygeia/sokaroun-ta-apotelesmata-iaponikis-ekthesis-ayksithikan-oi-thanatoi-apo-karkino-meta-tous-mazikous-emvoliasmous-kata-covid/?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=wapp The results of a Japanese report are shocking: "Cancer deaths increased after mass vaccinations against Covid" "Especially those who took the third dose are more at risk". A Japanese study published a few days ago in Cureus entitled "Increased age-adjusted cancer mortality after the third dose of mRNA", is shocking with its results as it indicates a significant increase in deaths from the terminal disease after vaccination with mRNA injections against Covid. There are increasing indications that the problems after the pandemic and mass vaccinations will be much greater for Western societies. What is certain is that after the mass vaccinations there were situations that did not exist before the pandemic. Increased deaths, many strokes, many cardiac arrests, many diseases and the spread of cancer. Dr John Campbell spoke to an oncologist, Angus Dalgleish, about increasing cancer diagnoses after vaccination. Cancer after covid vaccination rumble.com/v4pjyex-caner- Professor Angus Dalgleish is a highly experienced doctor, physician, medical teacher, medical author and researcher with over 500 primary research publications. He was also a pioneering researcher into HIV/AIDS. "Japanese researchers provide important evidence for increased occurrence of several types of cancer, especially after the third booster dose of the vaccine ," said Campbell! "There are statistically significant increases in age-adjusted mortality rates for all cancers and certain specific cancer types, namely ovarian, leukemia, prostate, lip, oral/pharyngeal, pancreatic, and breast cancers, the which were observed in 2022" , according to the study. Dr Campbell spoke to oncologist Angus Dalgleish about post- vaccination cancer. Dalgleish said he has seen an increase in cancer diagnoses since the vaccination began. "They're not saying it's because of reduced cancer care, they're not saying it's because of lockdown, they're saying it's a result of the vaccine ," Campbell said. Campbell clarified that the study looked at mortality, not diagnoses. Contact: info@pronews.gr Copyright pronews.gr 2024