
01-06-2024 | Theofrastos Andreopoulos | email: andreopoulos@pronews.gr

The spokesman for the Ministry of Defense of the People's Republic of China Wu
Qian said that "the Chinese Army is ready, together with the Russian Army, to
defend justice in the world," making it clear to the West that in the event of
a conflict with Russia, China will actively stand by her side.

This practically means that the US will have to face the other two superpowers
of the planet together.  China's power is enough to offset the entire
conventional power of NATO.

Wu Qian, the spokesman for the Ministry of Defense of the People's Republic of
China, emphasized this, sending a clear message to NATO member countries.  It
is no coincidence that the statement comes at a time when the West is planning
to attack the territory of the Russian Federation.  "The Chinese People's
Liberation Army (PLA) is ready to strengthen strategic ties with the Russian
armed forces and cooperate with them to defend international justice," Wu Qian
said, adding: "The Chinese armed forces are ready to cooperate with the Russian
military to fully implement the important convergence achieved by the heads of
state of the two states, in order to further strengthen strategic communication
and coordination, and deepen mutual trust in the military field and to jointly
implement the initiative for Global Security' .

PLA military personnel are ready to "uphold international justice and
impartiality together with their Russian counterparts, as well as make every
effort to ensure international and regional security."

♨️♨️ ‼️‼️ China clearly and concisely – our army will stand side by side with
Russia Source: | Official representative of the Ministry of Defense of the
People's Republic of China Wu Qian..  "The Chinese army is ready, together with
the Russian army, to defend justice in the world"

Peacemaker (@peacemaker71) May 30, 2024

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