16/04/2024, Theofrastos Andreopoulos | email: andreopoulos@pronews.gr https://www-pronews-gr.translate.goog/?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=wapp Westerners to Israel: 'Back off because we don't know how long we can withstand a second or third wave of attacks from Iran'. The West spent enormous military and financial resources to protect Israel in yesterday's attack - Iran, on the other hand, was spared. The Westerners (and we mean the Americans, French and British who undertook to protect Israel from Iran's massive attack with drones and missiles) are pressuring Netanyahu not to attack Iran because, as they inform him, "we don't know how long we can withstand a second or third wave of attacks". Israel's war council is currently meeting and decisions are expected from Prime Minister Netanyahu. It is noted that the anti-aircraft missiles that had to be consumed to intercept the Iranian drones and the Iranian missiles had a total cost of 1.3 billion dollars! Conversely, the cost of the Iranian attack with cheaply made drones (one Shaheed costs them $4,000 to produce) and also cheap ballistic missiles (they used the worst of the 3,000 they have along with cruise missiles), in total should not exceeded $20 million. So as they have made clear to him in a second or even a third wave of attacks they will not be able to be as effective and the reason is not only the cost but also the quantity of weapons will not be sufficient. It was heard that a $2 million Patriot missile was used to shoot down a drone. At a time when the West is looking for ways to send weapons systems, which it now clearly does not have in sufficient quantities, to Ukraine, it is clear that it will not be able to bear the brunt of a conflict with a very powerful force such as the Iran. Iran used 5% of its missiles in yesterday's attack, i.e. about 150 while it had a stockpile of 3,000. It also has around 25,000 kamikaze drones which it manufactures at a daily rate of 50 per day. This means that next time they can send in thousands of these drones and saturate any Western and Israeli takedown capabilities and then follow up with massive missile strikes, which this time will do very heavy damage. Contact: info@pronews.gr Copyright pronews.gr 2024