27/04/2024, Newsroom | email: info@pronews.gr https://www-pronews-gr.translate.goog/?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=wapp Everything is ready for the Western armoured vehicles to be exhibited as "trophies" in Moscow. All set to display Western armoured vehicles as 'trophies' in Moscow on 'Victory Day'. Just as it had been done in 1945 when the war equipment of the German Nazis was exhibited. Everything is ready to display as "trophies" the Western tanks in Moscow on "Victory Day". The Russians have gathered them in the "Red Square" in Moscow where they will "parade" in front of the citizens. There is a serious reason for their "presentation". During the first "Victory Day", German armored cars appeared as trophies and Nazi symbols were burned in front of the crowd. It is clear that the Russian government wants to align Western governments with a kind of successor state to Nazi Germany. Russian society is particularly sensitive when it comes to the Nazis. He feels a loathing that goes beyond all limits. #Russia displays #NATO trophies I time for Victory day parade May 9th Decades ago it was the nazi #Germany defeated flags that were brought to the #RedSquare where swastika symbols were burnt. But this generation must do it all over again