
03-06-2024 | Newsroom | email: info@pronews.gr

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the former top US doctor against the corona-virus pandemic,
revealed in his recent testimony before a House Committee that he invented
social distancing rules and the necessity of wearing masks for children without
any solid scientific evidence

The confession caused a storm of reactions, especially from Republicans, who
blame him for the destruction caused by the pandemic.  According to his
testimony, Fauci said the six-meter social distancing rule "just kind of came
up" and that he doesn't recall seeing any specific studies supporting the
guideline.  This revelation comes to strengthen suspicions that the measures
imposed during the pandemic were arbitrary and without sufficient scientific
basis.  These measures had significant negative effects, especially on

Studies have shown that mandatory mask use has negatively affected children's
learning and development.  A National Institutes of Health (NIH) study reported
that mask use had a "very negative" effect on children's learning and
writing.  Social distancing also caused psychological problems, such as
depression and anxiety.  Fauci's confession also provoked strong political
reactions.  Republicans accuse him of colluding with China to spread the virus
and trying to cover his tracks.  The Republican Committee on the Origin of the
Corona-virus alleges that during his tenure, US taxpayer money was given through
grants to the Wuhan corona-virus laboratory for experiments that led to the
spread of Covid-19.  Anthony Fauci's confession reveals the lack of scientific
basis for the measures imposed during the pandemic, raising serious doubts
about the credibility of the health authorities and their decisions.

The political ramifications are huge, and Fauci himself is at risk of jail time
for his decisions as Republicans continue to push for the truth behind the
origins and management of the pandemic.

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