15/04/2024, Newsroom | email: info@pronews.gr https://www-pronews-gr.translate.goog/?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=wapp Iran: Air Defense Grid On "Maximum Readiness Level" - Awaiting "Israeli Retaliatory Retaliatory Attack" All of Iran's anti-aircraft systems across the country have been put on alert Iran's air defenses appear to be on very high alert now, sources say, amid fears of an attack by Israeli fighter jets and missiles aimed at the Iranian hinterland. Iran's military command is monitoring the situation and sources say there is "high readiness" should any necessary decisions be made regarding the country's airspace. It is worth noting that Iran will need to protect a number of high-value targets, including its nuclear program facilities, in the event of Israeli airstrikes. SHARE THE ARTICLE Contact: info@pronews.gr Copyright pronews.gr 2024