16/04/2024, Newsroom | email: info@pronews.gr https://www-pronews-gr.translate.goog/?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=wapp China fully supported Iran at the UN: "It had the right to bomb Israel Tel Aviv violated international law" The entire fierce anti-Israel statement of the Chinese representative to the international organization M. Zakharova slams the Israeli ambassador in Moscow China took a clear stance in favor of Iran in the conflict with Israel and called it "Iran's right to respond to Israel's attack on its consulate in Damascus." This is an impressive development, although expected by those in the know: Iran is China's top oil supplier, and this is what happened even when the West tried to "strangle" Chinese oil markets. In their statement to the United Nations, where it is a permanent member of the Security Council, China uses harsh language for Israel stating that “Israel violated international law by attacking the Iranian consulate. Iran had the legal right to respond" was the statement of China's representative to the UN. Two months ago, Chinese President Xi Jinping met with Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi in Beijing and said characteristically that: "China supports Iran in safeguarding its national sovereignty" and " opposes unilateral behavior and intimidation ". Responding to the Chinese announcement, the spokesman for the Israeli armed forces stated that "the victims of the April 1st attack on the consular section of the Iranian embassy in Damascus were terrorists acting against Israel." "These are individuals who were involved in terrorist acts against the state of Israel," Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari told a news conference. Contact: info@pronews.gr Copyright pronews.gr 2024