
02-06-2024 | Newsroom | email: info@pronews.gr

The Russian Air Force hit with hypersonic Kinzhal missiles an underground
command center of the Ukrainian Air Force in Yavoriv, which housed
dozens of Western NATO servicemen.  Trainers mainly from the Netherlands, as
well as Czech and Spanish specialists, lived in the shelter area to train
Ukrainian personnel and met a horrible death!

Yavoriv is located in western Ukraine in the Lviv region and at a distance of
15 km from the border with Poland.  As reported without official confirmation
from the Ukrainian side, European and American experts, including pilots and
engineers, were killed in the attack.

According to Russian officials, the attack left 179 servicemen dead and 201
seriously wounded, with casualties rising.  The wounded were urgently
transported to Germany and Poland, while many bodies remain under rubble.

Après avoir prévenu USA, France OTAN qu'une implication ne resterait pas sans
réponse, la #Russie confirme la rappe réussie sur un terrain d'entraînement à
#Yavoriv.Des missiles #Kinzhals ont parcouru toute l' #Ukraine sans encombre.Le
bilan est lourd:179 morts et 201 blessés

 💪🇷🇺😁😈sispeo😈 (@sispeo5577) June 2, 2024

The damaged underground center included three interconnected halls made of
reinforced concrete, which housed the command post of the Ukrainian Air Force,
a training center and barracks for several hundred people.  After its initial
destruction in March 2022, restoration work took place, creating a "Center for
Peacekeeping and International Security" intended to house NATO trainers.  The
facility housed Ukrainian crews and organized training flights in coordination
with the NATO control center in Poland.

#Breaking #Russia targets a clandestine NATO command center in Ukraine! Russian
"Kinzhal" missiles have obliterated the command center, filled with NATO
personnel, reducing it to a smoldering crater.  Russian forces attacked the
Yavoriv command center and training ground,

 OSINT WWIII (@OsintWWIII) June 2, 2024

It is noted that on May 31, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced 25
strikes with precision weapons, including hypersonic Kinzhal missiles and
drones, against Ukrainian military positions during the week, the Russian
Ministry of Defense reported on Friday (31/5/2024).

"On May 25-31, the Russian Armed Forces carried out 25 combined strikes with
precision weapons, including hypersonic Kinzhal missiles and unmanned aerial
vehicles, against command posts, infrastructure, military airfields, air
defense systems, arsenals, fuel tanks, production and marine laboratories
drones and unmanned aerial vehicles," the Russian Defense Ministry announced.

💪🇷🇺 RF Armed Forces attacked the Yavoriv training ground—over ‼️ 300 elite
instructors from Europe, trained pilots and technicians of American aircraft,
as well as high-ranking NATO officers have gone to the next world.  "The death
of several hundred mercenaries was reported."...

 ⏳ Towhee 🌏☮️ (@amborin) June 2, 2024

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