
Nasrallah: Israel has no place in region's future; cancerous tumor must be
eradicated The leader of Hezbollah’s resistance movement says Israel is a
“cancerous gland” that should be removed.

By Presstv

The leader of Hezbollah’s resistance movement has called for global efforts to
eradicate the Zionist regime, saying it’s a “cancerous gland” that must be
removed.  In televised remarks, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said it’s their
doctrinal, ethical, and religious responsibility to make every effort to get
rid of Israel, which has committed countless atrocities against Palestinians.
Nasrallah stated that the ongoing fight for Gaza is a battle of existence, and
the defeat of the Israeli regime in this battle will have significant effects
across various fields in the entire region.He emphasized that whoever can be
part of the Gaza battle must join it.

The Lebanese leader said Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu's insistence
on continuing the war has worsened matters for the Zionist entity.  He added
that although some governments have remained silent in the face of the
atrocities, the bloodshed in Gaza has been awakening global public opinion and
isolating the regime.  Nasrallah also cited warnings from the head of Israel’s
central bank and army commanders about the disasters occurring inside the
Israeli-occupied territories and the Israeli army's failure to defeat Hamas in
Gaza.  ‘Gaza battle will shape future of Lebanon’ He also discussed the ongoing
exchange of fire between Hezbollah and the Israeli regime, saying the battle of
Gaza shapes the future of Lebanon and the whole region at the strategic,
security, and national levels.

Nasrallah mentioned that the people of Lebanon support resistance against
Israel and that the front is vigorously fighting the Israeli regime. He boasted
that their attacks have made Israeli officials and settlers desperate.Regarding
Lebanon’s presidential crisis, he stated that the battle with Israel has no
relation to the issue of Lebanon’s presidency.  He blamed foreign interventions
and internal disagreements for the country's failure to hold presidential
elections for months.  He said the movement is ready to support efforts to
overcome the deadlock and called for dialogue to bring internal issues to a
satisfactory conclusion.  Yemen anti-Israel operations hailed Elsewhere in his
remarks, the Hezbollah leader hailed Yemen’s anti-Israel operations, expressing
solidarity with the Yemeni people and army in the face of American-British
aggression against them.  He praised the steadfastness of Yemenis in their
efforts to support Gaza and their pledge that no amount of pressure can stop
their anti-Israel operations.

Nasrallah also commented on the pro-Palestine student protests in the US,
saying they’ve expanded the resistance front to Western society.  “For the
first time, we feel that the resistance front is expanding to this extent
through the movement of students in American and Western universities as part
of the honorable, humanitarian, and moral stance against the Israeli crimes in
Gaza,” he said.