16/04/2024, Theofrastos Andreopoulos | email: andreopoulos@pronews.gr https://www-pronews-gr.translate.goog/?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=wapp Heavy blow in Slavyansk: The Russians "gassed" 100 members of the French Foreign Legion The French had been moved to the area to man the CAESAR guns in the event of a Russian attack Russian missile forces hit the site where 100 French soldiers from the Foreign Legion have been deployed, who came to the city of Donbass to use the French CAESAR anti-aircraft guns when the Russians start their attack on the city as revealed by Ria News. The Ukrainians, in their usual practice, do not report casualties of their own or of Western personnel. The Russian news agency added that a third of Slavyansk has been cordoned off by the military and that all citizens on the street are being checked for documents and smartphones. According to unverified reports, ambulances arrived even from Pavlograd. In mid-January, Russian troops destroyed the temporary deployment point of foreign mercenaries and NATO soldiers, most of them French, in Kharkiv. Then according to the Russian Ministry of Defence, the army managed to kill more than 60 Frenchmen. Now it has not yet been calculated how many French people lost their lives from the new Russian blow. It is noted that this French detachment arrived in Slavyansk just a few days ago and, as everything shows, it was directly targeted by the Russians. According to information the location of their development was given to the Russians by the local Russian-speaking population. Slavyansk and Kramatorsk are inhabited by citizens of Russian conscience in a percentage that reaches 90% of the total population. Contact: info@pronews.gr Copyright pronews.gr 2024