
UNICEF says 90 percent of Gaza children cannot eat nutrients needed for their
proper growth.

By Presstv

Hana Abdelrahaman al-Rai, a four-year-old child suffering from malnutrition and
displaced from Gaza City's eastern suburb of Shejaiya, reacts as she is carried
outside a tent in Zawayda in the central Gaza Strip on June 4, 2024, amid the
ongoing Israeli war.  (Photo by AFP)

The United Nations children’s agency (UNICEF) says 90 percent of children in
the Gaza Strip cannot eat nutrients needed for their proper growth as a bloody
Israeli war has hampered aid delivery to the besieged Palestinian territory. In
a report on Thursday, UNICEF said five rounds of data collection between
December 2023 and April 2024 have “consistently found that 9 out of 10 children
in the Gaza Strip are experiencing severe food poverty, surviving on two or
fewer food groups per day.”

It added that months of war and limits on humanitarian assistance have
collapsed food and health systems in Gaza and resulted in "catastrophic
consequences" for children and their families. "This is evidence of the
horrific impact the conflict and restrictions are having on families’ ability
to meet children’s food needs – and the speed at which it places children at
risk of life-threatening malnutrition," the UN agency said.

Israel waged its genocidal Gaza onslaught on October 7 after the Palestinian
Hamas resistance group carried out its historic operation against the occupying
entity in retaliation for the regime’s intensified atrocities against the
Palestinian people. So far, the Tel Aviv regime has killed at least 36,586
Palestinians, mostly women and children, and injured 83,074 others in the Gaza

Israel is deliberately blocking and delaying the flow of food and basic
supplies into Gaza and using starvation of civilians as a method of warfare.
Since the beginning of the Israeli aggression, malnutrition and dehydration
have claimed the lives of 37 people in Gaza, according to the Palestinian WAFA
news agency.

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