

The already catastrophic levels of acute hunger in Gaza is expected to further
increase as Israel continues genocide.

By Presstv

Palestinians queue for meal rations at a communal food distribution point in
al-Bureij refugee camp in the besieged Gaza Strip on June 3, 2024. (AFP)

Of the more than two million people living in Gaza, half of them are expected
to face starvation and death by mid-July, a UN agency warns.In a report on
Wednesday, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO),
said over one million people will be faced with a shortage of all necessities
and death by then.  The regime’s ongoing hostilities are “expected to further
exacerbate the already catastrophic levels of acute hunger, with starvation and
death already occurring, with an unprecedented death toll, widespread
destruction and displacement of almost the entire population of the Gaza
Strip.” Mid-March famine, according to FAO, was predicted to occur by the end
of May in the two northern areas of the Gaza Strip unless hostilities ceased,
humanitarian agencies were granted full access and basic services were

The UN agency also warned about the wider regional consequences of Israel’s
genocidal war on Gaza.  In a separate report, the Famine Early Warning Systems
Network (FEWS NET) said Tuesday it was "possible, if not likely" that famine is
already striking the besieged territory. The regime's forces have already
killed more than 36,580 people, according to Gaza health authorities, who say
they can no longer count all their dead as hospitals, emergency services and
communications are barely functioning across the densely populated territory.

Around 1.7 million people in the Gaza Strip are estimated to have been
internally displaced – half of them children, who do not have enough access to
water, food, fuel and medicine. Since Israel's military forces launched the
incursion in Rafah in early May, access to healthcare has been even more
devastated, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

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