
01-06-2024 | Theofrastos Andreopoulos | email: andreopoulos@pronews.gr

After yesterday's conviction of former US President Donald Trump, for 34
felonies, by a court in a state owned by Democrats (of New York) and by a judge
whose daughter is their adviser and he himself is their financier, his support
of Republican voters appears to be "spiking."

Donald Trump's campaign said it raised more than $50 million in online
donations in the 24 hours following his conviction, saying the conviction
boosted support for him "like nothing else before, that's more than two
million dollars an hour," commented the Republican candidate's campaign team.
"Within minutes of the decision being announced, our online fund raising system
was overwhelmed with support, and despite temporary delays due to heavy
traffic, President Trump raised $34.8 million through small donations," said
Chris LaCivita and Republican campaign adviser Susie Wiles said in a statement
Friday morning. By Friday night, the amount had reached $52.8 million.
Moreover, 30% of the donations were made by new donors. This is nearly double
the amount ever raised in one day on Win Red, the official Republican party
donation platform.

"Dick Joe and the Democrats, with their witch hunt, have woken up the MAGA
movement," the two advisers commented, referring to Trump's central slogan
"Make America Great Again." Republican National Committee Chairman Michael
Whatley said more than 485,000 people donated to Trump's campaign. "The
American people stand with President Trump in the face of this unprecedented
tooling of the justice system, and we are fully committed to investing these
resources to increase voter turnout, protect the polls, and re-elect President
Donald J. Trump" he emphasized.

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