21-04-2024, Newsroom | email: info@pronews.gr Zakharova: The USA will be humiliated in Ukraine as it was humiliated in Vietnam and Afghanistan Harsh announcement from the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Russia believes that USA is in danger of having the same outcome in Ukraine as the war in Vietnam or Afghanistan. According to Russia, the approval by the US House of Representatives of an additional $60.84 billion in aid to Ukraine shows that Washington is moving deeper into a hybrid war with Moscow that will end in humiliation comparable to the Vietnam wars or of Afghanistan. Russian military intervention in Ukraine ordered in 2022 by President Vladimir Putin has sparked the worst crisis in Russia's relations with the West since the 1962 Cuban missile crisis, according to Russian and US diplomats. The US House of Representatives yesterday approved with broad bipartisan support a $95 billion package providing security assistance to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan. Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said it was clear the United States wanted Ukraine to "fight to the last Ukrainian," with attacks on Russian soil and Russian civilians among others. " Washington's ever-deepening immersion in hybrid warfare against Russia will turn into a resounding and humiliating fiasco for the United States like in Vietnam and Afghanistan," Zakharova said. Russia, he said, would give "an absolute and decisive response" to the US move to get more involved in the war in Ukraine. The United States has repeatedly ruled out sending its own or NATO troops to Ukraine, which is fighting a grueling artillery and drone war with Russia along a heavily fortified 1,000 kilometer front. The US lost at least 58,000 members of its armed forces in the Vietnam War (1955-75), which ended with the victory of communist North Vietnam and the occupation of the South, while hundreds of thousands of civilians were killed. In the war in Afghanistan (2001-2021), the US reported 2,459 people killed and at least 20,000 wounded in the conflict, which ended with the withdrawal of US-led coalition forces and the return to power of the Islamist movement Taliban. The Soviet Union lost 14,453 members of its armed forces in the war in Afghanistan (1979-1989). Civilian casualties in both wars in Afghanistan have been enormous. http://pronews.gr